Summit’s Requirements
In order to become a delegate and participate in the 5th International Youth to Youth Summit 2019, one should correspond to the following selection criteria:
- be a citizen of any country across the world
- be no younger than 18 and no older than 35 years old (there could be exceptions based on the excellence of the candidates)
- demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and potential to become a key leader in your community
- have passion to create positive social change and willingness to use Y2Y Summit’s experience in your leadership position
- have some experience and achievements either in politics (local, national, or international), civil society, communication, media and culture, business or corporate sectors, entrepreneurship, the development of local communities, faith based movements, peacebuilding, human rights advocacy, academics and relevant fields
- have a good working knowledge of written and spoken English
Participation fees
Every year we bring Youth to Youth Summit to different locations but keep the same participation fees low and affordable to the youth from around the world. This year is not an exception! Participation fees equal to 300 EUR or 340 USD.
Participation fees cover your accommodation, food and local transportation in Hong-Kong as well as all the delegates materials and extra activities during the Summit (from the 28th of May to the 1st of June).
Note: Participation fees don’t cover your travel to and from Hong-Kong as well as extra days before or after the Summit.
Once selected, candidates should proceed with the payment of the participation fees within two weeks. After the confirmation of the payment is received, candidate is issued a status of delegate and his or her participation in the Summit is confirmed.
Applications are now open for Pan-Asian region. The deadline is the 15th of April, 2019.
Application for the 5th International Youth to Youth Summit, Hong-Kong, 2019